Desde la tienda de EvasionRunning en Barcelona nos invitaron, este jueves por la tarde, a la presentación de los nuevos relojes de la marca POLAR: el RC3 GPS y el modelo RCX5. Dos fantásticos aparatos, pero escogimos poder probar el RC3 GPS para poder tener nuestras rutas marcadas una vez llegamos a casa! Y así, a la hora de terminar nuestros tours, os podemos enviar la ruta detallada de los …Read More
Run the Poblenou!
All of you know the Agbar Tower designed by the architect Norman Foster. Most also know that it is located in the Poblenou neighborhood. But only a few walked through this neighborhood with a long working class tradition in Barcelona. Come on and let’s run the Poblenou! This route begins at the next to Agbar Tower, a symbol of the modernization of the neighborhood, especially with the introduction of technological …Read More