Avui he sortit a córrer amb el Claus. Ha vingut de Dinamarca a passar uns dies a Barcelona. Com a bon aficionat del running, ha viatjat amb unes bambes a la seva maleta. Fa uns dies ens va escriure per a que li preparéssim un city running tour i li enssenyéssim la nostra ciutat com a nosaltres ens agrada, corrent! Així que li vem preparar una visita guiada corrent, o …Read More
Running route in Barcelona: the Gothic and the Born
– Distance 4,7km – Level: Easy Road running in the Gothic i Born, in the center of Barcelona. Ideally, to do during the early hours of the morning, when the tourists have not yet invaded the streets. We can enjoy the empty streets and see how the city is waking up. Power running through the streets narrowed the Gothic and Born is a unique feeling and down the Rambla without …Read More