We are really proud to have been appear in the last issue of the Meter Magazine. They dedicate a comprehensive reportage of the city of Barcelona and the Olympic legacy. Thanks to Emmie for this amazing article. More information: Meter Magazine: https://www.tracksmith.com/products/meter_magazine Twitter: https://twitter.com/1_in_the_gutter
Asics 33DFA with 360runningBarcelona
Today I went running with Claus. He came from Denmark to spend a few days in Barcelona. A good runner always travels with a pair of running shoes in its suitcase, so he contact us two weeks agoe to do a city running tour and discover our city as we like, running! So we prepared a running tour through the Gothic Quarter and the Born neighbourhood. Before leaving home I …Read More
The Barcelona Zurich Marathon enters a new era
This edition comes with new developments that aim to bring a qualitative boost to the race.Particularly notable are its improved, faster and more flexible course, a children’s fun run and a considerable solidarity contribution. With over 13,500 people already signed up for the event, the Barcelona Zurich Marathon has so far seen a 4% growth on last year’s number of registered runners. The Catalan capital will be holding a new …Read More
Google Local Guides (in Barcelona)
Great news! This month Jaume has been joined the Google Local Guides program. This mean that we participate in the Google community of local guides around the globe getting know all the best places to eat, shop, and play in Barcelona area. Local Guides is a global program and is offered everywhere Google Maps is available. More information: https://www.google.com/local/guides/ Community: https://plus.google.com/+google/posts/eWjaPFNLPtq
Mass participation sports events in Barcelona
More than 100 sports events in Barcelona with a total annual participation of around 245,000 people. Key events: Sant Antoni Fun Run Half Marathon Barcelona Marathon Barcelona-Sitges Vintage Rally El Corte Inglés Fun Run Firefighters’ Race Barnatresc Urban Walks Programme Walk against Hunger Inter-college Race Festival on Wheels La Mercè Fun Run Swim across the Port Barcelona Sports and Nature “Neda Marcelona i Nedem plegats” L’Etape Barcelona-Andorra (bike race stage) …Read More
Alimentación y Running: Batidos de Proteínas para recuperar
¿Que puedo beber después de la carrera? ¿Son buenos los batidos de proteínas después de la carrera? Hoy vamos a ver cuáles son los nutrientes que necesita tu cuerpo después de la competición, y de que forma los podemos tomar. Después de una carrera, lo primero va a ser rehidratar nuestro cuerpo y devolver al organismo el agua y los minerales perdidos con el sudor. Además, el esfuerzo realizado durante el …Read More
Vídeo de la Jean Bouin 2014
La Jean Bouin ha celebrat la seva 91a edició amb un èxit rotund. Més de 15.000 corredors i corredores han participat en les quinze curses diferents que engloba aquesta mítica prova barcelonina. La cursa està organitzada per Mundo Deportivo i la primera sortida s’ha donat a les 9 h del matí des de l’Avinguda Rius i Taulet. A més de ser la cursa degana d’Espanya, la Jean Bouin combina l’atletisme d’elit amb el de promoció. De fet, hi ha dotze curses …Read More
Sport, Barcelona and Well-being
In order to promote a healthy lifestyle among Barcelona’s citizens, the Barcelona Sports Institute and the city’s sport agents provide a range of facilities, amenities, sporting events and activities that make up the SPORT, CITY AND WELL-BEING dimension. FACILITIES AND AMENITIES IN THE CITY Barcelona has: 250 public and private sports facilities. 1 sports centre less than a ten-minute walk from anywhere in the city. 117 municipal sports facilities, of …Read More
Barcelona is sport: a city on the move
Who says that urban tourism only consists of walking around and discovering the architecture, art, food and people? True enough, there are few cities like Barcelona that have such a wide range of sporting activities on offer, free or for a fee, municipal or private, regulated or not, and open to everyone. The people of Barcelona like doing sport, of course, but visitors to the city can also enjoy and …Read More
Sports’ Events and activities in Barcelona
Programme and activities aimed at promoting public health through regular sport and physical activity. With three different programmes: Activa’t (Get active) This takes place in 13 of the city’s parks, with around a thousand participants who walk, or do Tai Chi or Chi-kung. Camina (Walk). Promotes walking using the different routes and sports circuits available in the city. Also invites people to take part in the Barnatresc walks programme. Practica …Read More