Active sport tourism in Barcelona
Nowadays, tourism means much more than taking a walk around the historic center and visiting a couple of museums. The leisure proposals for travel have become increasingly sophisticated and have been adapted to each visitor. With regard to active tourism in Barcelona, the options cover both the city and the sea and the mountains: running tours, climbing, water sports and a long etcetera that we address in this article. One …Read More
Running route from Gràcia to Collserola
A map shows the calories you burn between stops on the Barcelona Metro stations
One of the key factors when it comes to running is to keep weight control at bay. A good way to spend calories is to take advantage of daily commuting in the city. A small change in our habits such as lowering each day one or two seasons before can mean many calories burned throughout the year. In this sense, the Treated website has published a magnificent tool to calculate the calories …Read More
Running in Barcelona: a secure experience
Running, like any type of sport, is a huge satisfaction for those who practice it due to their potential feeling of self-improvement. The fact that it entails resistance and effort and that the level can be adapted to the corridor in question confers a certain “security” bubble, which far from wanting to click, we only want to assure with a few simple steps. If we are going to go running, …Read More
Sagrada Familia in Barcelona: how to buy tickets (and skip the lines)
There are different options for buying tickets to visit Sagrada Familia in Barcelona but not all of them will help you avoid wasting time in the queues. To skip the lines and get in the monument quickly, the solution is online. Online tickets for Sagrada Familia can be purchased directly from the official website of this temple. You can choose the type of ticket you want: individual passes, tickets for …Read More
Asics 33DFA amb 360runningBarcelona
Avui he sortit a córrer amb el Claus. Ha vingut de Dinamarca a passar uns dies a Barcelona. Com a bon aficionat del running, ha viatjat amb unes bambes a la seva maleta. Fa uns dies ens va escriure per a que li preparéssim un city running tour i li enssenyéssim la nostra ciutat com a nosaltres ens agrada, corrent! Així que li vem preparar una visita guiada corrent, o …Read More
Barcelona is sport: a city on the move
Who says that urban tourism only consists of walking around and discovering the architecture, art, food and people? True enough, there are few cities like Barcelona that have such a wide range of sporting activities on offer, free or for a fee, municipal or private, regulated or not, and open to everyone. The people of Barcelona like doing sport, of course, but visitors to the city can also enjoy and …Read More
Sports’ Events and activities in Barcelona
Programme and activities aimed at promoting public health through regular sport and physical activity. With three different programmes: Activa’t (Get active) This takes place in 13 of the city’s parks, with around a thousand participants who walk, or do Tai Chi or Chi-kung. Camina (Walk). Promotes walking using the different routes and sports circuits available in the city. Also invites people to take part in the Barnatresc walks programme. Practica …Read More
Running through Barcelona! Barcelona has a whole host of spaces to run in. On any given day, and on any of Barcelona’s streets, you’ll find dozens of people dedicating their time to one of the fastest-growing sports getting ever more popular by the year. This is in part due to that fact that it is one of the most accessible physical activities: practically no equipment is required, you simply need good pair …Read More