Running, like any type of sport, is a huge satisfaction for those who practice it due to their potential feeling of self-improvement. The fact that it entails resistance and effort and that the level can be adapted to the corridor in question confers a certain “security” bubble, which far from wanting to click, we only want to assure with a few simple steps. If we are going to go running, …Read More
Alimentación y Running: Batidos de Proteínas para recuperar
¿Que puedo beber después de la carrera? ¿Son buenos los batidos de proteínas después de la carrera? Hoy vamos a ver cuáles son los nutrientes que necesita tu cuerpo después de la competición, y de que forma los podemos tomar. Después de una carrera, lo primero va a ser rehidratar nuestro cuerpo y devolver al organismo el agua y los minerales perdidos con el sudor. Además, el esfuerzo realizado durante el …Read More
Food and running during a race
Hello again runners! Major races are coming and we must be well prepared. In the previous article we discussed how to feed before the race. Today we have: Food and running: During the race Throughout a race our body uses the sugars that blood have. If these sugars are finished but the race continues, the body begins to consume the available glycogen we’ve if we ‘ve done a good diet …Read More