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5 tips for running in Barcelona during the summer

Although we have noticed the heat for a few days now, summer officially begins today. Summer is a good season for running, the days are longer, we have more time off, holidays… So make the most of it and leave! While Barcelona does not have an extreme climate, you should know that it’s quite warm for running or exercise. The average summer temperatures range from 21 º C (70 º F) in June to nearly 25 º C (76 º C) in August, and a maximum of 30 º C (85 º F) approx. In addition, the proximity of the sea causes the increase of heat sensation. Therefore, due to this typical Mediterranean climates’ heat it is necessary to keep the following basic considerations in mind:

Avoid running during the middle of the day: The best times to be training are in the morning until 10 am and in the afternoon from 7:30-8:00 pm.

Hydrate: It’s essential to drink half an hour before and after exercise. If possible, take a small bottle of water and drink in small sips even without thirst. That will help you hydrate your body. You may also need to drink a sports drink to replenish salts. During the year you will have to evaluate according to the intensity and duration of training.

Sunscreen: The sun can be very aggressive. Therefore, you can apply cream on the face, neck and lips or in areas normally covered.

– Wearing hats and sunglasses is underrated. And although it may sound obvious, a transpirable shirt.

– Finally, common sense is perhaps the easiest and most difficult, but sometimes we should adapt to circumstances, slow down and even stop a little before forcing oneself too much and going over the top.

In a nutshell:
– Lots of water
– Sun protection
– Sunglasses and hats
– Good sense

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